Source code for ogstools.propertylib.vector

# Copyright (c) 2012-2024, OpenGeoSys Community (
#            Distributed under a Modified BSD License.
#            See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or

from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Literal, Union

import numpy as np
from pint.facets.plain import PlainQuantity

from import Property, Scalar

from .tensor_math import _split_quantity, _to_quantity

ValType = Union[PlainQuantity, np.ndarray]

[docs] def vector_norm(values: ValType) -> ValType: ":returns: The norm of the vector." vals, unit = _split_quantity(values) result = np.linalg.norm(vals, axis=-1) return _to_quantity(result, unit)
[docs] @dataclass class Vector(Property): """Represent a vector property. Vector properties should contain either 2 (2D) or 3 (3D) components. Vector components can be accesses with brackets e.g. displacement[0] """
[docs] def __getitem__(self, index: Union[int, Literal["x", "y", "z"]]) -> Scalar: """ Get a scalar property as a specific component of the vector property. :param index: The index of the component. :returns: A scalar property as a vector component. """ int_index = index if isinstance(index, int) else "xyz".index(index) return Scalar.from_property( self, output_name=self.output_name + f"_{index}", func=lambda x: self.func(x)[..., int_index], bilinear_cmap=True, )
@property def magnitude(self) -> Scalar: ":returns: A scalar property as the magnitude of the vector." return Scalar.from_property( self, output_name=self.output_name + "_magnitude", func=lambda x: vector_norm(self.func(x)), )
[docs] @dataclass class VectorList(Property): """Represent a list of vector properties."""
[docs] def __getitem__(self, index: int) -> Vector: ":returns: A vector property as a component of the vectorlist property." return Vector.from_property( self, output_name=self.output_name + f"_{index}", func=lambda x: np.take(self.func(x), index, axis=-1), )