Source code for ogstools.meshlib.xdmf_reader

# Copyright (c) 2012-2024, OpenGeoSys Community (
#            Distributed under a Modified BSD License.
#            See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or

This file provides an override to meshios XDMF Reader since it misses a feature
to handle hyperslabs (there are two ways to handle hyperslab:
the common documented `here <>`_
and the way paraview supports it (documentation missing).


    2D_single_fracture_HT.h5:/meshes/2D_single_fracture/temperature|0 0:1 1:1 190:97 190

to be read like::

    | start : stride : count : end


from xml.etree.ElementTree import Element

import meshio
import numpy as np
from meshio.xdmf.time_series import (

[docs] class XDMFReader(meshio.xdmf.TimeSeriesReader):
[docs] def __init__(self, filename: str): super().__init__(filename)
[docs] def read_data(self, k: int) -> tuple[float, dict, dict, dict]: point_data = {} cell_data_raw = {} other_data = {} t = None for c in list(self.collection[k]): if c.tag == "Time": t = float(c.attrib["Value"]) elif c.tag == "Attribute": name = c.get("Name") if len(list(c)) != 1: raise ReadError() data_item = list(c)[0] data = self._read_data_item(data_item) if c.get("Center") == "Node": point_data[name] = data elif c.get("Center") == "Cell": cell_data_raw[name] = data elif c.get("Center") == "Other": other_data[name] = data else: raise ReadError() else: # skip the xi:included mesh continue if self.cells is None: raise ReadError() cell_data = cell_data_from_raw(self.cells, cell_data_raw) if t is None: raise ReadError() return t, point_data, cell_data, other_data
def _read_data_item(self, data_item: Element) -> np.ndarray: dims = [int(d) for d in data_item.get("Dimensions", "").split()] # Actually, `NumberType` is XDMF2 and `DataType` XDMF3, but many files out there # use both keys interchangeably. if data_item.get("DataType"): if data_item.get("NumberType"): raise ReadError() data_type = data_item.get("DataType") elif data_item.get("NumberType"): if data_item.get("DataType"): raise ReadError() data_type = data_item.get("NumberType") else: # Default, see # <> data_type = "Float" try: precision = data_item.attrib["Precision"] except KeyError: precision = "4" data_format = data_item.attrib["Format"] assert isinstance(data_item.text, str) if data_format == "XML": return np.fromstring( data_item.text, dtype=xdmf_to_numpy_type[(data_type, precision)], sep=" ", ).reshape(dims) if data_format == "Binary": return np.fromfile( data_item.text.strip(), dtype=xdmf_to_numpy_type[(data_type, precision)], ).reshape(dims) if data_format != "HDF": msg = f"Unknown XDMF Format '{data_format}'." raise ReadError(msg) file_info = data_item.text.strip() file_h5path__selections = file_info.split("|") file_h5path = file_h5path__selections[0] selections = ( file_h5path__selections[1] if len(file_h5path__selections) > 1 else None ) filename, h5path = file_h5path.split(":") if selections: # offsets, slices, current_data_extends, global_data_extends by dimension m = [ list(map(int, att.split(" "))) for att in selections.split(":") ] t = np.transpose(m) selection = tuple( slice(start, start + extend, step) for start, step, extend, _ in t ) else: selection = () # The HDF5 file path is given with respect to the XDMF (XML) file. dirpath = self.filename.resolve().parent full_hdf5_path = dirpath / filename if full_hdf5_path in self.hdf5_files: f = self.hdf5_files[full_hdf5_path] else: import h5py f = h5py.File(full_hdf5_path, "r") self.hdf5_files[full_hdf5_path] = f if h5path[0] != "/": raise ReadError() for key in h5path[1:].split("/"): f = f[key] # `[()]` gives a np.ndarray return f[selection].squeeze()