# msh2vtu ```{eval-rst} .. sectionauthor:: Dominik Kern (TU Bergakademie Freiberg) ``` `msh2vtu` is a command line application that converts a Gmsh mesh for use in OGS by extracting domain-, boundary- and physical group-submeshes and saves them in vtu-format. Note that all mesh entities should belong to physical groups. Supported element types: - lines (linear and quadratic) in 1D - triangles and quadrilaterals (linear and quadratic) in 2D - tetra- and hexahedrons (linear and quadratic) in 3D ## Command line usage ```{argparse} --- module: ogstools.msh2vtu._cli func: argparser prog: msh2vtu --- ``` ## API usage In addition, it may be used as Python module: ```python from ogstools.msh2vtu import msh2vtu msh2vtu( input_filename="my_mesh.msh", output_path="", output_prefix="my_meshname", dim=0, delz=False, swapxy=False, rdcd=True, ogs=True, ascii=False, log_level="DEBUG", ) ``` ______________________________________________________________________ ## Examples A geological model (2D) of a sediment basin by Christian Silbermann and a terrain model (3D) from the official Gmsh tutorials (x2). `msh2vtu example/geolayers_2d.msh` generates the following output files: - *geolayers_2d_boundary.vtu* - *geolayers_2d_domain.vtu* - *geolayers_2d_physical_group_RockBed.vtu* - *geolayers_2d_physical_group_SedimentLayer1.vtu* - *geolayers_2d_physical_group_SedimentLayer2.vtu* - *geolayers_2d_physical_group_SedimentLayer3.vtu* - *geolayers_2d_physical_group_Bottom.vtu* - *geolayers_2d_physical_group_Left.vtu* - *geolayers_2d_physical_group_Right.vtu* - *geolayers_2d_physical_group_Top.vtu*